Frequently Asked Questions (Job Applicants)
Our hiring process..
We get enquirers from a lot of perspective candidates from all walks of life. So only shortlisted candidates get the response. Our selection process has several stages including several work exercises and meeting with the team.
Where can I find about openings?
We post our openings on our website time to time depending on our requirement. But we can always make provision for exceptionally talented candidates seeking to join our team.
Do we work with freelancers?
Most of our strategy, design, content and development work is done in-house. But depending on the requirement we work with freelance specialists from time to time.
Can I apply for internship?
We encourage young talents with limited skill to work as an intern before they can fully transition to the working team. We provide training and mentorship for their career development. The number of positions for internship are limited.
How to get our attention?
We value education and training environment of our team members. But to grab our attention we encourage the applicants to send some of their work to showcase their capability. Their previous work experience matters a lot. Instead of applying for the job they can specify how they are going to contribute to the overall goal of our team.
Do we hire through agency?
No, we communicate with our prospective employees directly.

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